Betty And Barney Hill Alien Abduction - Part 2

Wednesday, August 14, 2013
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As news of the UFO sighting became more common place, the Hills were forced to hide from reporters as much as possible. Because of the missing time element, and the desire to know what, if anything, had happened during that time, they decided to contact a psychiatrist. They decided on Boston psychiatrist and neurologist, Dr. Benjamin Simon, well-known in his field. He would come to play an important role in the Hill abduction story.

His suggestion for treatment was regressive hypnosis, which would hopefully unlock the memories of the two missing hours of time. His sessions began with Betty, and soon Barney followed. After six months of treatment, it was Simon's opinion that the Hills had been abducted and taken aboard an unknown craft. Regressive hypnosis, a controversial treatment, is often used to unlock lost memories. It has been used in a number of other alien abduction cases, including The Buff Ledge Abduction and The Allagash Abductions.

Some of the memories that were uncovered from the Hills included that their automobile had stalled on the road. The UFO had landed in the middle of the road, and alien beings came to their car, carrying both Betty and Barney to the UFO. They were subjected to various medical and scientific tests. Before the aliens released them, they were hypnotized and ordered to keep their capture a secret.
During the intensive regression sessions, the Hills would describe their captors as "... bald-headed alien beings, about five foot tall, with greyish skin, pear shaped heads and slanting cat-like eyes." This description very much described what would become known as the "greys," now a standard description for the small beings with large heads, small mouths, and little or no ears, and hairless. 

Also details were released about the actual procedures performed on the Hills. Both physical and mental experiments were conducted. Samples were taken of their skin, hair, and nails. Betty had gynecological testing, and Barney reluctantly revealed that sperm samples were taken from him.

The Betty and Barney Hill case is still studied and discussed today. It is the alien abduction case to which all others are compared and judged.

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A Vegetarian Pizza For The Homeless

Saturday, August 10, 2013
Before his execution, Philip Workman requested that his final meal be a vegetarian pizza donated to any homeless person.  The prison officials denied his request, and Workman refused to eat anything. On May 9 2007, homeless shelters across Tennessee received massive numbers of vegetarian pizzas from people all over the country honouring Workman's last meal request.

                                                                Source : Wikipedia

World's Largest Swimming Pool

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

World's largest pool which cost $1bn and holds 66m gallons is so big you can even sail boats on it.

At the San Alfonso del Mar resort in Chile, a quick dip could well turn into a marathon. Swimming a length in this, the world's largest outdoor pool, would mean stroke after stroke for more than three fifths of a mile - that's 20 Olympic-size swimming pools. The enormous man-made lagoon is set halfway up the country's Pacific coast, in the city of Algarrobo, and is filled with 66 million gallons of crystal clear seawater. It also hold the Guinness record for the world's deepest - so if you don't feel like diving 115ft to the bottom, it might be best to bring some spare goggles.

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The pool opened in December 2006 after nearly five years of construction work and is said to have set developers back as much as £1billion. And on top of that eye-watering initial cost, it takes a further £2 million a year to keep it in working order. It uses a computer-controlled suction and filtration system to suck water in from the ocean at one end and pump it out at the other, while the sun warms it to 26C - nine degrees higher than the sea. The pool's incredible dimensions leave the next biggest floundering in its wake, with the Orthlieb in Morocco measuring a mere 1,575ft long.

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The Three Peaks of Lavaredo

Wednesday, August 07, 2013
The Tre Cime di Lavaredo, three battlement-like peaks that loom steeply and mightily out of the scree in the Sesto Dolomites, consisting of the Cima Grande (big), the Cima Ovest (western) and the Cima Piccola (little). Since they were first climbed in 1869, the Tre Cime di Lavaredo have been considered by climbers to be among the most coveted summit destinations in the Alps. 

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There are a few summits that have come to symbolise the word “mountain”. The Tre Cime di Lavaredo would certainly top an imaginary hit list of these. Many people have seen the Tre Cime in illustrations hundreds of times and think that they know them, but the moment they see them "in nature" is a moment not to be forgotten. How should we interact with the best known scene in the Dolomites? Mountain climbers all agree. Simply looking is not enough; this natural monument must also be touched. 

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Every year on lovely summer days, the view of the Tre Cime from the north brings about a veritable migration from the Auronzo Hut. The non-mountaineers are distinctly in the majority – just like the alpinists who scramble up the cliff faces to the summit. Much sought-after and much attacked: the normal route or fixed rope route on the standard tour of the Cima Grande (big peak) offered by Sesto's mountain guides is not only tackled by extreme climbers. About one thing there is consensus: these three jagged battlements are unbelievably beautiful.

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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Version One - Evanston, Illinois 

In the Midwestern parts of United States, laws were once passed that prohibited the selling of soda water on a Sunday. The town of Evanston, Illinois was one of the first towns to pass such a law around the year 1890. As an alternative on Sundays, local soda fountains started selling ice cream sodas minus the soda, which left only the ice cream and syrup. That became the recipe of what was to become know as the ice cream sundae.

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Version Two - Two Rivers, Wisconsin

Soda fountain owner, Ed Berners of Two Rivers, Wisconsin is reputed to have invented the first ice cream sundae in 1881. Berners' customer George Hallauer requested that Berners serve him a dish of ice cream topped with the syrup used for sodas. Berner liked the dish and added it to his regular menu, charging a nickel.
George Giffy, a competing soda fountain owner from nearby Manitowoc, Wisconsin felt he had to serve the same syrupy concoction as Ed Berners. However, Giffy felt that the nickel price was too cheap and decided to only serve the dish on Sundays, which soon became the name of the dish - the Ice Cream Sunday. Once Giffy realized that he was making good money from the "Ice Cream Sunday" he changed the name to the "Ice Cream Sundae" and served it daily.

Version Three - Ithaca, New York

The ice cream sundae was invented by Chester Platt who owned the Platt & Colt's drugstore in 1893. Platt prepared a dish of vanilla ice cream for the Reverend John Scott on a Sunday. Chester Platt spiced up the ice cream with cherry syrup and a candied cherry. Reverend Scott named the dish after the day. An advertisement for "Cherry Sunday" served at the Platt & Colt's drugstore has helped document this claim.
CHERRY SUNDAY - A new 10 cent Ice Cream Specialty. Served only at Platt & Colt's. Famous day and night Soda fountain.
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