The Magical Outcome of Maternal Love

Monday, July 22, 2013
According to experts, a loving and nurturing mother prevents serious illnesses even if a person had passed his middle age.

The biggest blessing we have as we enter this world is a mothers’ lap. We start to grow up in the shadow of her affection, sleep every night listening to her sweet lullabies, till we hit maturity. Many of us may assume that the effect of a mother’s love may fade away as time goes on but according to a recent research, people having nurturing and affectionate mothers prevent them from different illnesses even in their middle age.

According to the research, experts observed 1000 men from low-income families and proved that children from such backgrounds suffered chronic illness in adulthood. But to the experts’ amazement, the fact that many poor children avoid this trend is all because of a nurturing and loving mother. The average age of participants involved in the research was 46 and they went through a full medical checkup.

Psychology professor Margie Lachman enlightens us on the conclusion of this research by adding that events in childhood seem to leave a ‘biological residue’ on health during adult life.

She added “The fact that we can see these long-term effects from childhood into midlife is pretty dramatic”. The research shows that poor kids are 40% more likely to develop metabolic syndrome, but those who evade this syndrome do this due to the nurturing effect of the mother and the values she has taught to the children to counter the hardships of life. While the study only focuses on the role of the mother, it is also proven that other relationships also help the person to become more robust in his/her future.

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